An HTML document is made up of Elements. Every HTML element is defined by a start tag(opening tag), some content and an end tag(closing tag). Everything which has a starting and ending tag is an HTML element.
For example: The <p> element represents the paragraph of the document.
Difference between Tags and Elements
Technically, the terms HTML Tags and HTML Elements are exactly the same that is a Element is a Tag and a Tag is a Element.
HTML Elements Types
The HTML elements are divided into two categories, they are
- Block-level element
- Inline element
Block-level element
These elements starts with a new line and make up the document's of a web page. Block-level elements occupies the entire available width of a web page from left to right. Block-level elements also contain inline elements in it.
Some of the Block-level elements are,
<h1> to <h6>, <p>, <hr>, <div>, <pre>, <form>, <footer>, <table>, <address>, <video>, etc.
Example Program:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Welcome To HTML5 Tutorial.
<p style="background-color: red">This is the paragraph element.</p>
<p>The div element starts from here</p>
<h1>This is Heading level 1 element</h1>
<h2>This is Heading level 2 element</h2>
Inline Element
An inline element does not start with a new line and does not take the full width of a web page. The Inline element are used within other HTML elements.
Some of the Inline elements are:
<a>, <script>, <button>, <br>, <img>, <i>, <b>, <lable>, <select>, <var>, <strong>, etc.
Example Program:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Welcome To HTML5 Tutorial.
<p>This is the first line and<br>This is the second line</p>
<a href=""><b><i>Official Website</b></i></a>
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