#Enter only your name in input bar

from random import randrange

#--------------Function print_text_in_symbol-----------------
def print_text_in_symbol(text_input, symbol_char = 'X', symbol_bg = '-', inline = False):
    #---------Lists for the formation of the letters----------
    a = ['000000000000',
    b = ['000000000000',
    c = ['000000000000',
    d = ['000000000000',
    e = ['000000000000',
    f = ['000000000000',
    g = ['000000000000',
    h = ['000000000000',
    i = ['000000000000',
    j = ['000000000000',
    k = ['000000000000',
    l = ['000000000000',
    m = ['000000000000',
    n = ['000000000000',
    o = ['000000000000',
    p = ['000000000000',
    q = ['000000000000',
    r = ['000000000000',
    s = ['000000000000',
    t = ['000000000000',
    u = ['000000000000',
    v = ['000000000000',
    w = ['000000000000',
    x = ['000000000000',
    y = ['000000000000',
    z = ['000000000000',
    sp = ['000000000000',
    n0 = ['000000000000',
    n1 = ['000000000000',
    n2 = ['000000000000',
    n3 = ['000000000000',
    n4 = ['000000000000',
    n5 = ['000000000000',
    n6 = ['000000000000',
    n7 = ['000000000000',
    n8 = ['000000000000',
    n9 = ['000000000000',
    s0 = ['000000000000',
    s1 = ['000000000000',
    s2 = ['000000000000',
    s3 = ['000000000000',
    s4 = ['000000000000',
    s5 = ['000000000000',
    ascii_alph = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z,
                 sp, n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9,
                 s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s5]
    #---END------Lists for the formation of the letters----------------
    res = ''
    dont_use =''
    alph = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789?!,.-+'
    text_error = 'Print Successful.\n Your text :'
    text_input = text_input.lower()
    your_text = text_input
    #-----------Processing errors in text_input-----------------
    # 1. If nothing is entered
    if text_input == '':
        text_input = 'none text'
        your_text = "You don't input text."
    # 2. Checking for a character in the alphabet
        for char in text_input.lower():
            # 3. if there is no character in the alphabet function returns an error(ValueError) 
    #------error Processing(ValueError)----
    except ValueError:
        text_error = '''
Error input.
1. Use A-Z a-z, 0-9, ?!,.-+, for your input.
Your text: '''
        # changing text_input
        text_input = 'error'
    #---END---error Processing(ValueError)------
        # Outputs the generated string
        if inline:
            res = ''
            print_res = ''
            for i in range(0, 8):
                for char in text_input:
                    ch_ascii = ascii_alph[alph.index(char)]
                    res += ch_ascii[i]
                res += '\n'
            for char in res:
                if char == '0':
                    print_res += symbol_bg
                elif char == '1': 
                    print_res += symbol_char
                elif char == '\n':
                    print_res += '\n'
            for char in text_input:
                ch_ascii = ascii_alph[alph.index(char)]
                for i in ch_ascii:
                    for t in i:
                        for char in t:
                            if char == '0':
                                res += symbol_bg
                            elif char == '1': 
                                res += symbol_char
                    res = ''
    #---END-----Processing errors in input-----------------
#-----END---------Function print_text_in_symbol------------
#---Set for select characters-------------------------------
ch ='XO#@'
ch_bg = '.`'
#---Random selection of a set of characters----------------
rand_ch = ch[randrange(len(ch))]
rand_bg = ch_bg[randrange(len(ch_bg))]

#User input----------------------------------------
text_input = input()

print("If you enjoyed share our post!\n")

print("print in a horizontal line".upper())
print_text_in_symbol(text_input, rand_ch, rand_bg, inline = True)

#print("print in a vertical line".upper())
#print_text_in_symbol(text_input, rand_ch, rand_bg, inline = False)


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