Reliance Jio has launched its voice over Wi-Fi service in India after Airtel. The name suggests VoWiFi, VoWiFi enables voice calling using Wi-Fi connection when cellular network is poor or not available.

In Delhi and Chennai Reliance Jio's Wi-Fi calling service has been rolled out, and other circles across India. Jio's Wi-Fi calling service is currently available on compatible samsung and Apple smartphones and more brands like Xiaomi coming soon. On iPhone 11 Pro Jio has been testing VoWiFi for service.

The report states that jio's Wi-Fi calling service is compatible with all Wi-Fi connections, But Jio's Wi-Fi calling service is different from Airtel which restricts its Wi-Fi service only to Xstream Fiber broadband service. There is no official confirmation from Reliance Jio as yet.

How to use VoWiFi

             These type of service is avilable only on phones which support Wi-Fi calling. We can check if their phone is compatible, we can enable Wi-Fi calling from the setting menu, VoLTE should also be turned on for this service to work.In Airtel's Wi-Fi calling high speed Wi-Fi connection is required for clear voice calls.

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